
February 14, 2019

MAMH Report – City received the highest score

The City Deux-Montagnes has received the highest possible score in an evaluation report by the Quebec Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH).  One MAMH’s most important roles, according to present-day legislation of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, is to ensure that municipal systems are properly administered in the best interests of their residents – and of the municipalities themselves.

Deux-Montagnes earns top marks in Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing report

In this context, the MAMH Director General of Municipal Finances conducted an official audit of the process followed by the City of Deux-Montagnes for the awarding of contracts. A report of the audit was produced and published in July 2014, presenting the key findings of the audit during its 2012-2014 mandate and making appropriate recommendations.

These recommendations by the MAMH representatives were taken very seriously by the Deux-Montagnes city administration at the time. All of these recommendations specified by MAMH to the city have now resulted in satisfactory progress – a score of 100%. “Satisfactory” is the highest rated indicator in a report of this type.

Publication of the report in July 2014 coincided with the arrival of a new general manager a few weeks later. Supported by Deux-Montagnes officeholders and with the assistance of the city treasurer and clerk, the general manager has made significant administrative changes. In particular, corrective measures were taken to meet the MAMH recommendations. Other crucial reforms, it should be added, were undertaken. Policies and procedures that have been revised or added include management of contracts, human resources staffing, management of relations between elected officeholders and the city’s administrative machinery, and stricter ethical rules. More systematic monitoring methods have also been introduced. As well, efforts to identify discrepancies between the ISO 37001 standard and existing practices are currently underway, with the help of a special analytical tool and an outside firm.

Mayor Denis Martin is proud that his administration has earned top marks in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing audit. “I think it’s crucial that management of Deux-Montagnes should be efficient, rigorous, and compliant with municipal laws,” the mayor said. “Integrity is a fundamental value in my administration. Since my arrival in 2013, we’ve been focused on rectifying this situation, and the published results are absolutely conclusive.”